Another 2 weeks have passed, that means the Grid Finder development team have released some big updates!

Event Creation & Duplication

This time we’ve focused on improving the event creation flow after some really useful feedback from the guys in our Grid Finder discord server. We’ve redesigned the event creation wizard to make it a lot clearer and simpler and totally redesigned the event settings pages.

  • Event creation overhaul
  • Event settings redesign
  • Support for draft events (create a draft calendar before revealing to your community!)
  • Duplication of events
  • Clarification of quali session creation depending on whether the qualifying session is part of the race server (think F1) or not (think week-long quali servers ahead of a bespoke race server)
Sim Racing League Manager Event Settings Page

Other Background Work

Whilst we’ve been building some on-page, race creation improvements, we also have one member of the team who has been focused solely on preparing Grid Finder’s foundations for some pretty game-changing integrations coming soon. Whilst it’s not all visible on the site, there’s a lot going on under the hood at Grid Finder in preparation for some much bigger changes coming later this year.

This is a small one but should help leagues when sharing their links on facebook/twitter etc. We’ve added automatic social share images to your sharing links. This means that when you share your community/league/championship link with people, the header image you’ve set will show as a preview image, rather than the old Grid Finder image!

Minor Changes and Fixes

  • New navigation bar
  • Fixed issue with league members being incorrect across the site
  • Fixed issue with mobile search UI
  • All registration flows for leagues, championships and events improved – loading states and correct access checks
  • Championships now have a “Finished” state when all of the events are complete
  • Fixed icons in various places
  • Modal usability improved everywhere
  • Only display championship standings if points have been allocated

And as always, a bunch of small UI fixes, and mobile optimisations across the whole of Grid Finder

What’s Next?

Whilst we wont list absolutely everything we’re about to do next, and we can’t commit to an exact date, we can say that in the next couple of weeks we intend to release an update that improves our integration capability with other game services, adds a text search field to the homepage of Grid Finder and allows leagues to create, manage and edit team standings.

See you then!


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